- Duration of movie : 195
- Societies of production : Universal Pictures
- Tagline : Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.
- Movie Genre : Drama, History, War,
- Film Note : -movie_rating-
- Original title : Schindler's List
- Release Date of film : 1993-11-29
- Status : Released
- Youtube Id : -youtube_id-
- Average rate : 7.6
- Languages spoken : Deutsch
- Vote Count : 1134
- Liam Neeson Character (Oskar Schindler)
- Ben Kingsley Character (Itzhak Stern)
- Ralph Fiennes Character (Amon Goeth)
- Caroline Goodall Character (Emilie Schindler)
- Jonathan Sagall Character (Poldek Pfefferberg)
- Embeth Davidtz Character (Helen Hirsch)
- Malgoscha Gebel Character (Victoria Klonowska)
- Shmuel Levy Character (Wilek Chilowicz)
- Mark Ivanir Character (Marcel Goldberg)
- Batrice Macola Character (Ingrid)
- Andrzej Seweryn Character (Julian Scherner)
- Friedrich von Thun Character (Rolf Czurda)
- Krzysztof Luft Character (Herman Toffel)
- Harry Nehring Character (Leo John)
- Norbert Weisser Character (Albert Hujar)
- Adi Nitzan Character (Mila Pfefferberg)
- Michael Schneider Character (Juda Dresner)
- Miri Fabian Character (Chaja Dresner)
- Anna Mucha Character (Danka Dresner)
- Albert Misak Character (Mordecai Wulkan)
- Michael Gordon Character (Mr. Nussbaum)
- Aldona Grochal Character (Mrs. Nussbaum)
- Jacek Wjcicki Character (Henry Rosner)
- Beata Paluch Character (Manci Rosner)
- Piotr Polk Character (Leo Rosner)
- Ezra Dagan Character (Rabbi Menasha Lewartow)
- Uri Avrahami Character (Chaim Nowak)
- Elina Lwensohn Character (Diana Reiter)
Schindler's List Synopsis:
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